
What to Do if You’re Too Injured to Work

Accidents are inevitable and can occur to anyone. The challenge is when the injury prevents you from working. If an accident happens to you and you cannot work, what should you do?

1. Seek first aid and the appropriate treatment

You can call a colleague or someone to help with first aid. Some injuries might be too serious, requiring medical treatment. Do not neglect seeking medication even when you feel okay –it may take a while before you notice any pain.

2. Report the incident: Where did the injury occur?

It is critical to know if your injury occurred while at the workplace. You should inform your supervisor or any employer of the injury, mostly if it occurs within the workplace. For instance, if heavy equipment falls on you and hurts you, you should report it to your immediate boss.

If the employer is not available, you can write a letter or call him as soon as you can. Legally, there is a time frame (30 days) for an employee to notify their employer of an accident. Most employers have injury compensation policies that you qualify for if you reported the incident.

3. File for compensation

Informing a supervisor doesn’t mean that you will get the compensation for your injuries. You should follow the appropriate procedure by filling the necessary workers’ compensation forms. Be sure to describe the incident and where you were injured –you can include a doctor’s report.

The severity of your injury determines the compensation package. Your employer should cover all the expenses you incur during treatment and any other losses. If your employer is taking a while to provide the necessary compensation, you can seek a lawyer’s expertise.

4. Apply for social security disability benefits

It might be unfortunate if the injury leaves you disabled. You can apply for funding from social security firms. Since there are social security office locations in every city, you are likely to find the appropriate help.

Before applying for the social security disability benefits, be sure that you qualify for such compensation. Eligibility is based on the severity of the injury –the chances of resuming work and permanently disabled. A lawyer with expertise in this area can be of significant help.

5. Take time to recuperate

Even after filing compensation, take your time to recover –do not be hasty at resuming work. Recovering from painful injuries take time. If you have a personal doctor, he can regularly check on you, ensuring that you recover well.

Do not skip any medical appointments –you may need them if your employer is adamant about settling the compensation. If you sue your employer, be sure to attend any hearings. You should be aware that missing a court date can be the only reason you lose the compensation package.

6. Know your rights and privileges

Each company has different rights for its injured employee. However, knowing your rights can be of benefit to take the necessary action. An injured employee has the following rights:

  • File for compensation –your boss should not persuade you otherwise.
  • Seek medication
  • Take time off work to recover
  • Disability compensation, especially for employees who cannot resume work because of the injury’s severity.
  • If you disagree with the employer’s verdict, you can pursue the matter legally
  • Hire a lawyer to help with the legal process
  • You don’t have to use your medical insurance for medication –the employer should incur medical expenses.